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As fear-free certified professionals, we care about the medical and emotional needs of your pet. We are passionate about enabling all pets to have a calm, relaxing visit to their veterinary clinic. 

Dog Lover


Fill out the pre-visit client form and call us or use the online calendar to organise a time for your pet to visit our fear-free clinic. 


Fear, stress and anxiety can start even before your pet arrives at the clinic, so it is essential to get your pet accustomed to travelling in the car.



Let your dog spend time playing and getting rewarded with treats for being in the car (without it moving or on). Then when it is comfortable with this progress to daily short trips with someone else driving so you can use treats to reward it when it's calm.



Start with a proper introduction, or reintroduction, of your cats, carry cage as a piece of furniture in your home. Attract the cat to it with treat trails, comfortable bedding, feline pheromones, and favourite toys. The more the cat decides to go in on her own, the easier it will be to encourage her to enter it when it’s necessary for travel. When the cat is inside, support and stabilise the carrier when lifting and transporting it, hold it close to your core for extra stability. Keep all sides level, so the cat stays balanced. Place it in an area of the car with minimal movements, such as on the floor behind the passenger seat.

Minimise the cat’s view out of the carrier by covering it with a towel, leaving only one end open. 


Also, remember to prepare the car, so it promotes a calming environment:

  • Play calming music specially composed for pets (white noise or classical music).

  • Apply calming pheromone (Adaptil for dogs or Feliway for cats) 10 minutes before your pet enters the car.

  • Cool or warm the car to a comfortable temperature before putting your pet inside.


Bringing a favourite toy or blanket with them is helpful. For moderately anxious pets, a dose of a gentle anti-anxiety medication an hour before visiting can be worth trialling. If a urine sample is not needed, then please let your pet have a toilet opportunity before visiting for added comfort.


Remember to bring your pet to the clinic a little hungry as the best tool we have for creating positive experiences are food treats. If your pet has special foods or favourite treats, please bring these along to help us.

Cat Resting


We aim to provide large buffer times between appointments so there is no need for a waiting room and your pet won't get stressed by encountering other animals in reception.


Within our clinic, we create a calming environment by using pheromone diffusers (Adaptil and Feliway) and aromatherapy. We play calming music to ease tension and promote relaxation. Also, we create a relaxing environment through calming hospital colours and gentle lighting. 


In our consultation rooms, we have non slip mats on the tables for your pet to stand or rest on to improve balance and enhance stability.


We will usually have a range of treat and toy options to help distract your pet for procedures and create a positive experience for next time. Feel free to bring favourite treats and toys with you.


We will use various gentle techniques to allow stress-free procedures; this may include examining the pet in your lap, their bed, or allowing them to hide, but we won't force your pet and create a negative experience. If your pet is too stressed, and the procedure is needed, then sedation may be necessary. If not urgent, it will be rescheduled after a series of desensitisation and counter-conditioning sessions or a previsit dose of antianxiety medication given at home while the pet is still calm.

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